#5 - Sun Path Simulation
Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 enables you to simulate the sun path, in order to better understand the impact of the sun in relation to your project and its surrounding context. The sun path is a visual representation of the sun's range of movement across the sky at the geographic location you specify for a project. The sun path displays in the context of your project and includes on-screen controls for positioning the sun at any point within its range of movement.

#4 - Realistic View Style
Realistic is a shaded view with ‘live’ rendered materials and textures, including decals. It offers the ability to have a working view that looks almost like a rendering.

#3 - Sheet Place Holders
Sheets Lists can now include placeholder sheet rows for sheets that have not yet been created or will never be created in your project, for example, consultants’ sheets. Placeholder sheets can be converted to actual sheets in the project and this conversion can be done as a batch operation.
#2 - Temporary Dimension Improvements
You now have the ability to control temporary dimension font size and background display (transparent or opaque). Additionally, if temporary dimensions are moved to specific reference elements in the project, those references will be maintained throughout your working session.

A TIE between Floating Properties Palette and Custom Elevation Tags!
The new Properties Palette is “modeless,” so you have constant access to both view and element properties, without having to interrupt your design workflow. The new palette is dockable, resizable and supports multiple monitor configurations.

Elevation tags are now fully customizable and can be designed based on your company standards. They can contain any graphics you want and can align to any number of orientations necessary for your project.

Now that one is considered cool and interesting!
contract cad jobs
I love the Sun Path Simulation. I feel like sunlight is one of those often overlooked elements of project design - partly, because it's somewhat complicated to chart sunlight over the course of the day. But one additional challenge, is that sunlight/aspect relationships shift substantially over the course of the year and this may or may not be relevant to a project. I'm curious how Revit controls/adjusts for seasonal daylight shifts. Also, since the previous commenter gave a shoutout about their site while saying nothing else useful in their comment, I would like to mention the CAD Job Board which attempts to aggregate all cad jobs from across the web.
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